Our Employees Remain a Topic of Interest

Our Employees Remain a Topic of Interest

When planning for 2022, we reviewed the 2021 blog posts that received the most views. Understanding what’s important to our audience helps us to proactively provide the information they’re interested in. What we found was interesting.

It’s no secret that we believe our people are our greatest assets. With four of last year’s six most popular stories featuring news about our employees, it appears our readers understand this:

  • Andre Nadeau’s promotion from Operations Manager to President.
  • HR Manager Cheryl Huck Represents Sirois Tool at Greater New Britain Chamber of Commerce. Cheryl joined the Berlin Advisory Board of the chamber and now advocates for workforce development and business development strategies that benefit the whole town.
  • Alan Ortner Named Chairman of National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA). Alan also serves on the National Tooling and Machining Foundation board and the board of Advanced Manufacturing Practice and Education Development.
  • Vinal Tech graduate completes apprenticeship at Sirois Tool. Ian is our fifth employee to complete the program.

In addition to a strong interest in our people, our readership data shows that our audience was also interested in learning about our capabilities. Our June news blog, “Our Precision Grinding Capabilities Are Second to None”, which featured a video, was also among the top six most widely read stories.

Finally, our single most widely read news blog last year was actually posted on our website in 2016! The strong readership of this blog, titled “Advantages of Local Partnerships for Suppliers and Customers” shows how relevant this article is, even five years after publication. Quality content, just like a quality product, really does stand the test of time.

Just as we rely on your feedback to provide you with the products and services you need, we’ll continue to use our reader data to ensure we share news that is relevant and interesting throughout the year. Looking forward to a successful 2022!

February 8, 2022

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